Alien Space Pirates: Sold (A SciFi Alien Romance) (Book 2) by Mara Frost
Alien Space Pirates: Sold (A SciFi Alien Romance) (Book 2) by Mara Frost PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
They say that no one can hear you scream in space, but what about cry like a big fat baby...?Get abducted by aliens? Check
Get put up for auction on a giant "dark market" trade planet? Check
Despise the big alien jerk who kidnapped and sold me in the first place? Check
Stop making stupid checklists? Check
So I'm on a scary and inhospitable planet and I'm fairly certain everyone here wants to make Dani Tacos out of me. Life sort of sucks right now. So why is it that all I can think about is the blue jerk who kidnapped me and be pissed that he actually sold me? Sigh. I always prioritized poorly...
Please Note: Alien Space Pirates: Sold is part of an ongoing serial (like a TV show!) with a cliffhanger! Below is the release date for the final installment!
Upcoming release in series:
Alien Space Pirates: Saved (Book 3) - January 2016
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